Hammertoes, also called claw or mallet toes, refer to toes that are bent in an unnatural way. The offending toe or toes will begin to bend upward and, over time, can become stiff and unbendable. This stiffness can cause you discomfort and pain, creating corns and blisters where your toe rubs against your shoe. They are named after their resemblance to the hammers in a piano. At The Foot Doctors of Kansas City, we don’t want to just treat your foot problems; we want to educate you. Knowing more about the source of your foot pain or ankle pain is empowering and allows you to choose a treatment plan that is right for you.
For the Treatment of Hammertoe, Call Us Today!
For treatment of hammertoe, call us at 816.525.4778 to schedule an appointment with one of our Podiatrists!